Indonesia General Information
Since the establishment of INSW System at 2007, Government of Republic of Indonesia mandating an Ad-Hoc Team called INSW Preparatory Team to operate and enhance the INSW System, which was structured under coordination of Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs.
To ensure the sustainability of the INSW, President of the Republic of Indonesia through Presidential Regulation No. 76/2014, mandating the establishment of dedicated agency called?INSW Operating Agency?which is responsible to enhance INSW services, not only dealing with electronic process of customs clearance document, permits, and other documents related to export and import, but also to simplify the national logistic process and procedures.
The change of the legal basis of Indonesia National Single Window due to the issuance of Presidential Regulation Number 44 Year 2018 on Indonesia National Single Window in which at this time this Presidential Regulation comes into force (31st May 2018), Presidential Regulation Number 10 Year 2008 and Presidential Regulation Number 76 Year 2014 are repealed and declared ineffective.
INSW Operating Agency was structured under the Ministry of Finance, under Minister of Finance Decree No. 840/2015, with management composition of:
A new management composition of Indonesia National Single Window under Minister of Finance Decree Number 581 Year 2019 and Number 793 Year 2019.
- Head of the Agency : Mr. M. Agus Rofiudin
- Secretary of The Agency : Mr. Muhamad Lukman
- Director of Business Process Efficiency : Mr. YFR. Hermiyana
- Director of Information and Technologi : Mr. Rachmad Solik
- Director of Quality Assurance : Mr. Ircham Habib
To ensure the cooperativeness and the performance among agencies, INSW Operating Agency Assist by Steering Committee under coordination of Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs which set up policies and direction gives direction to the agency dealing with the activities. Member of the Steering Committee consist of Ministers from INSW related Ministries/Agencies.
INSW Operating Agency?office headquarter located at Gedung Sarana Jaya 3 lantai GF, 1, 2, 5, 6, dan 7 Jl. Rawamangun No. 59C Pramuka Raya Jakarta Pusat. 10570 Indonesia.
a. Service Coverage
INSW Currently implemented in 16 Major Ports in Indonesia, which cover more than 90 % import and export activities in Indonesia.
b. Total Stake Holders
Number of Stakeholders that involved in the INSW since 2007 until now, are:
- Government Agencies : 18
- Importer/Exporter : ~20000 CO
- Shipping Agents : ~200
c. Pilot of Single Submission System
INSW Technical Team, currently piloting a Single Submission System (SSM) Between Plant and Animal Quarantine, BPOM (FDA), and Indonesia Customs and Excise (DJBC). This features enabling trader to process all required permit and related documentation through INSW System. By having SSM enabling technology, trader in the future will no longer deal with the GA system directly, but through INSW Superset Electronic Format Documents. This is also become the enhancement of the previous INSW Single Sign On system.
d. Implementation of the electronic recommendation system.
As GA recommendation currently became one of the key required documents upon the processing of the import and export permit, the manual submission of this document among agencies became the delaying factors that affecting the overall performance of the GA in issuing licenses. To resolve this issues, INSW now mandating the submission of the electronic recommendation among agencies. The usage of the electronic information will be mandatory and the data elemen will be repopulate into the internal system of issuing agencies for further purposes.
e. Development GA performance monitoring system in the INSW.
To Improve the transparency and the performance level of the permit issuing agencies, the INSW system together with all GA backend system integrating time stamping of overall e-licensing system, from the time stamping of the permit request, process and approval of the permit. This ensure the accuracy of the information to the trader without intervening the internal procedure of the GA
f. Automatic Reconciliation between GA Permit with Customs Declaration Utilization Report.
To ensure the accuracy in making trade policies, trade data in INSW become a vital information, as these data consist all import and export activities. Therefore, INSW currently enhancing its features to let GA getting the utilization data of their import/export permit by electronic mean. Not only has this, in the future, INSW been appointed by line ministries to become the only information source for Post Audit / Post Market activities.???
g. Launching of the new INSW Webportal
To enhance the performance of INSW system and to help stakeholder understand the whole access on the INSW system. The new look of the INSW web portal has officially launched on September 30th, 2015. The new look of INSW designed with the concept of simplicity of design to ensure faster access time, and the iconic menu to provide the easiness of user accessibility. This new look of INSW applied in the same URL
h. Design of the work plan of the INSW-NG (Next Generation)
As Current INSW system already became backbone of overall process on import and export clearance, trade facilitation and monitor tools, The INSW Operating agency getting a new mandate from the government to do the re-engineering works to make the INSW-NG which not only facilitate Clearance process and procedure, but also National Logistic Facilitation System. So the future goal of the INSW is become the Integrated National Logistic and Trade Facilitation System.
i. Implementation of the Time Release Dashboard
To measure service performance of the goods clearance, INSW enhance to add one dashboard feature to reflect the performance of the documentation and the clearance of goods, this consist time measurement of the stacking of the container, INSW customs clearance Process, and Goods release time from the container terminal. Screenshot of the Dashboard shown as below:
j. INSW as tools of Indonesia Deregulation / De bureaucratization monitoring tools.
Indonesia currently release deregulation/de bureaucratization programs , which facilitating importation of raw / production material for manufacturer and industry in Indonesia, by reducing the number of import permit, which is got some duplication on the documentation and process to simplify the import process of it. As the consequences, GA need to monitor the trade activities by directly doing post audit of the import and export data from the trader through INSW system to ensure that the goal of this policy will achieve its main target. So, the overall function of INSW enhanced from trade facilitation to market supervisory tools, as shown on the diagram below:
INSW Updates
Based on Minister of Finance Regulation number PMK-6 / PMK.010 / 2017 dated January 26, 2017 on the Stipulation of Classification of Goods and Imposition of Import Duty on Imported Goods, starting on March 1, 2017, INSW has been implementing ASEAN Harmonized Tariff Nomenclature (AHTN) 2017, known as Buku Tarif Kepabeanan Indonesia 2017 (BTKI 2017). Due to such changes in the goods classification system, the imposition of tariffs on imported goods are also re-stipulated.
The implementation of AHTN 2017 has influenced to various area that related to HS code submission, including:
- Imposition of Import Duty including the duty under the Free Trade Area tariff scheme, Others Duty and Import Tax (BM MFN, FTA, BMAD, BMTP, Sales Tax, Income Tax, etc.)
- IT infrastructure and computer systems related to customs processes (INSW systems, CEISA-Customs systems, and in-house system of the related Ministries / Agencies)
- Regulation issued by permit issuing agencies that involve HS Code (prohibited and restricted regulation, import or export licensing, customs facilities, etc.)
- Changes on the HS Code based user/company system or applications.
Indonesia National Single Window Operating Agency (INSW) has been actively maintaining coordination with the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DGCE) and Other Government Agencies to ensure smooth implementation of AHTN 2017. The coordination includes making adjustment of HS Code on the Ministries Regulations, giving assistance on preparation of legal basis in each ministries, providing technical assistance on the operationalization of agencies system, providing technical assistance to Customs Officer and disseminate information to business communities.
INSW also coordinated AHTN 2017 business processes with all INSW integrated Ministries / Agencies, which is the process of the implementation of AHTN 2017 in the INSW system within a system INSW, includes validation mechanism, reconciliation between permit and export/import declaration, as well as treatment applied to permit issued by agencies in the INSW system.
The Emergency Response Licensing Application or simply known as BNPB Recommendation
Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, Indonesian government has taken the initiative to grant Indonesian importers, fiscal and non-fiscal facilities, with the aim of satisfying the supplies or reserves of goods deemed to be essential to combat COVID-19, such as hand sanitizers, disinfectant products, test kit, vitamins, and medical equipment and personal protective equipment
In the term of fiscal facilities, under MoF Regulation Number 34 Year 2020, Indonesian government grant Indonesian importers an exemption from customs and/or excise duties.
And in the term of non-fiscal facilities, Indonesian government eases the import procedures. It means that, importing medical equipment needed to treat Covid-19 patients now no longer requires a distribution permit, only a permit exemption recommendation from the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB). Previously, imports of medical equipment require the distribution permit or SAS from the Health Ministry.
The request of the permit exemption recommendation from the BNPB and the fiscal facilities from Directorate General of Customs and Excise are processed electronically through the Indonesia National Single Window since March, 20, 2020. Importers just need to fill in the application form and upload required documents, according to the application type and then the applicants will be able to monitor the progress of application through the tracking feature. The Indonesia National Single Window System has helped improve efficiency in medical equipment import activities through its service contribution.
According to Presidential Instruction in the framework of structuring the National Logistic Ecosystem, Indonesia National Single Window (INSW) is now acting as the integrator of logistics service systems among ministries/agencies systems. This integration aims to simplify business process between related ministries/agencies, so that public access to logistics services is much more easier and efficient.
One of INSW services in this National Logistic Ecosystem framework is called Single Submission of Quarantine and Customs - Joint Inspection (SSm QCJI). Using this single submission platform on INSW portal, this would allow traders to submit data through INSW System (SINSW) and allow for joint inspection between customs and excise and quarantine authority. This service improves business processes by reducing repetition and duplication activities that have been occurring so far and also reduce the logistics cost.
Since it was first implemented in Belawan Port, North Sumatera in 2020, SSm QCJI has now also been implemented in three other major ports: Tanjung Emas Port in Central Java, Tanjung Perak Port in East Java, and Tanjung Priok Port in Jakarta.
Furthermore, in order to boost national economic growth, especially the industrial sector, as well as boost export performances amid Covid-19 pandemic, Indonesia National Single Window Agency (LNSW) provides single submission for the export permit of medical equipment as stipulated in Minister of Trade Regulation Number 57 Year 2020. Through this application, manufacturers can apply for the export permit via SINSW by providing required documents in order to be granted export approval. In the term of import, LNSW also provides single submission for importing COVID-19 vaccine for the purpose of combating the COVID-19 pandemic.