General Information

Brunei Darussalam General Information

In late August 2006 the Brunei Royal Customs and Excise Department [RECD] called a tender for development and implementation of an e-Customs System. The project to support RECD's strategic objectives and move towards the implementations of Brunei Darussalam national single windows [BDNSW].

The e-customs system was to provide an integrated electronic trade documentation system that will allow the trading community in Brunei Darussalam to submit applications electronically to RECD for processing. The system also allows RCED officers to process application received electronically or perform their day-to-day operations.

In essence the e-customs systems were to facilitate the trading activities involved in import and export of goods across borders and to facilitate the collections of revenues by RCED.

Other government agencies [OGAs] that requires e-Customs Information for their internal processing can access the e-Customs Systems provided they are connected to the e-Government Intranet or have some form of Internet access from their offices.

Brunei Darussalam is still work on the technical prerequisites, in particular, revising her process of COO and ACDD in the Brunei Darussalam National Single Window (BDNSW) as an effort to achieve the readiness to participate ASW Pilot Project (full-fledged).

The current updates of Brunei Darussalam National Single Window (BDNSW):

Brunei Darussalam National Single Window have completed the development of ATIGA Form D, Customs Declaration and permit application module in which 8 ministries have now utilize the BDNSW. 3 dedicated servers as suggested in ASW implementation guideline has been reserved to be utilized for ASW go-live implementation. Testing servers is currently ready, yet pending for availability of Production Server for ASW Gateway software installation. Brunei Darussalam is enhancing Brunei Darussalam National Single Window to enable Ports Clearance Module and improving halal meat import permit preparation.

Since it was implemented in 2013, Brunei Darussalam National Single Window (BDNSW) has widen the functionality by enabling various trade documents preparation such as Certificate of Origin (COO), Import/Export Permit from 20 government agencies that deal with controlling activities of various types goods, Customs Declaration, on-line duty payment and Ports Clearance Certificate. The integrated process will be able to expedite cargo release and clearance by means of simplifying trade-related processes and procedures among the agencies.

Further enhancement of the BDNSW through the implementation of auto-approval for Import Permit Application, Customs import and export declaration of normal goods and ports clearance approval from related agencies.

With BDNSW providing international open communication standards, the trading community in Brunei Darussalam will be able to exchange data in a secure and reliable manner with any other trading partners not just within Asean but also non- Asean trading partners that use the same standards.

Towards the ASEAN Economics Commitment in the implementation of ASW, Four (4) dedicated virtual servers for ASW integration are provisioned in March 2017 in Brunei Government Private Cloud. Two (2) virtual servers for testing and Two (2) virtual servers for production. Axway, contractor of ASW has successfully installed the ASW B2Bi software on the servers in April 2017. BDNSW servers will be integrated to the stated ASW servers in order to establish a path to the rest of the ASEAN Member States (AMS) ASW gateway for further testing (e.g. ATIGA form exchange).

Recently, Royal Customs and Excise Department (RCED) has implemented more enhancements to the BDNSW through the implementation of BDNSW2, where the functionality to enable Red and Green Channel for rezoning activity, risk profiling and duty payment prior to the submission of Customs Declaration has been implemented since April 2018. BDNSW2 also in the process of enabling ePermit for the importation of Agriculture and Bio-Security goods.

Brunei Darussalam National Single Window (BDNSW) was initially created for information sharing platforms with ASEAN countries through the ASEAN Single Window in particular for the exchange of documents such as Certificate of Origin (COO), and the Customs Declaration. BDNSW is also considered as a front-end regionally to the submission and the process of other documents which are Import and Export Permit, Port Clearance Certificate, and Online payment where all other controlling agencies were put on board for the public and business community.

However, the BDNSW is currently undergoing system enhancement where the functionality of the current system will be upgraded and it will be integrated with Port Operator. The enhancement will improve document preparation and the Risk Management. With this integration, the time for document preparation and the clearance process will be faster and more centralize.

Brunei Darussalam National Single Window (BDNSW)

Brunei Darussalam National Single Window (BDNSW) -

Content Setting Test

Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.

Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur.

Malaysia General Information


Manual application of Certificate of Origin (CO) has been phased out from 1 January 2013. All application of CO must be applied online via ePCO.
Online CO application of Malaysia ? Australia Free Trade Agreement (MAFTA) was available from 7 January 2013.As for Malaysia ? Chile Free Trade Agreement (MCFTA) and Malaysia ? India Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (MICECA) were available from 9 March 2013.
Implementation of ePermit has seen a new entry in 2013 with Ozone Protection Section of Department of Environmentbeing the latest Permit Issuance Agencies to offer Online permit application. All permits related to hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) havebeen issued by the agency effective 15 March 2013.
3 new ports have successfully implemented eManifest service from 15 March 2013. The ports are TanjungBeruas in Malacca, TanjungLembung in Langkawi Kedah and Kemaman Supply Base in Terengganu. The next phase of eManifestimplementation will include ports located in Sabah and Sarawak and the roll-out is expected to complete by June 2013.
Awareness on ePaymentwas held on 20 February 2013 to Penang community. The session was conducted in collaboration with Royal Malaysian Customs Department - RMCD (HQ and local office) and supported by 3 major banks. A total of 155 companies which mostly are Forwarding Agents have attended the session.


2007 Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) as lead agency for NSW implementation
2008 Ministry of Finance (MOF) as lead agency for NSW implementation. Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) as lead agency for ASW implementation

NSW awareness program between government agencies, service provider and end-users held every quarter to update on latest development of new initiatives as well as encourage new users to participate in NSW program.

ePCO engagement session was conducted in collaboration with Federation of Malaysian Manufactures (FMM) in Kuala Lumpur and Penang offices respectively in February and March 2013. The session will be extended to other FMM branches nationwide as well as to other leading trade associations from Q2 2013.

Meanwhile, eManifest engagement session was held with the community at the respective ports that will implement eManifestthis year i.eLumut Port in Perak, Kota Kinabalu Port,SepanggarPort, Sandakan Port, Tawau Port and LahadDatu Port in Sabah as well as Labuan Port in Wilayah Persekutuan Labuan. The session will be extended to other ports in Sarawak in April 2013.

Click here for the National Single Window (NSW) Initiatives in Malaysia Document.

Updates on the implementation of National Single Window (NSW)

Malaysia NSW has been in operation since 2009 through the myTradeLink web portal. There are currently six core services under Malaysia NSW namely eManifest, ePCO, ePermitSTA, eDeclare, ePermit and ePayment. To date, the six core services have been fully accessible within the country reaching out to 23 ports, 166 Customs stations, 26 permit issuance authorities, 4 permit agencies and 8 local banks.

On 1 November 2016, Malaysia entered into live data exchange in the ASW under controlled environment involving companies that have agreed to join the initiative. Starting 17 November 2016, Malaysia live data exchange in the ASW was made available to all companies applying ATIGA Form D and e-ATIGA data has been transmitted to other exchange-ready Member States. For a better participation in the ASW live implementation, Malaysia will continue promoting the live exchange of e-ATIGA to her domestic traders. Continuous improvement and monitoring will be enhanced in the ASW Live data exchange.


Malaysia National Single Window (NSW) has been in operations since 2009. The NSW serves as a main gateway for trade in Malaysia and as a platform that provides an effective and economical means for traders to submit their data in electronic format through a web-based application (myTRADELINK). There are six modules in the NSW gateway as as follows:

i) electronic Customs Declaration (eDeclare);
ii) electronic Customs Duty Payment (ePayment);
iii) electronic Preferential Certificate of Origin (ePCO);
iv) electronic Permit (ePermit);
v) electronic Permit Strategic Trade Act (ePermitSTA); and
vi) electronic Manifest (eManifest).

To-date, 30 Permit Issuing Agencies (PIAs), 50 authorities and 12 banks collaborate with the NSW.

Recent enhancement and updates related to the NSW include:

  • ePCO

On 13 April 2020, an electronic endorsement of the Preferential Certificate of Origin (PCO) by affixing electronic signature and official seal through the ePCO system was implemented for five schemes, namely ATIGA, AANZFTA, MJEPA, MCFTA, AKFTA and followed by MNZFTA on September 2020.

On 14 September 2020, implementation of CO security features as follows:
i. Importing Customs are able to access Malaysia COO Verification System to verify Preferential Certificate of Origin (PCO) issued under ATIGA, AANZFTA, MJEPA, AKFTA, AHKFTA & MNZFTA schemes;
ii. Affixed watermark on preview copy of e-Form D to differentiate e-Form D from other COs; and
iii. Affixed watermark on cancelled CO for all schemes to indicate the status of the cancelled PCO.

On 1 October 2020, the Third-Party Invoicing (TPI) application case was enabled in the ePCO system for MNZFTA scheme to accommodate the TPI business arrangement implemented under the Malaysia-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement (MNZFTA) scheme. Exporters are required to select this TPI application case when applying for PCO under the TPI business arrangement.

On 19 May 2021, the Unit of Measurement (UoM) as well as its simplified description for ATIGA scheme in the ePCO system were updated in accordance with Appendix 8 and 9 of the Message Implementation Guide (MIG) to reflect a meaningful UOM description for traders better understanding. The simplified description will appear on paper-based Form D and a preview copy of the approved Form D/e-Form D.

  • eManifest

Migration of the current system to the new platform to all communities completed in December 2017. All users using the eManifest service are currently enjoying added features, more stable and enhanced performance.

Expansion of eManifest service to private jetties which cover over 50 jetties nationwide.

Implementation of Pre Alert Manifest for Courier Service de-Minimis cargo in KLIA effective 15 March 2019 and Penang effective 1 September 2019. Currently in the process for expanding the service to other international airports nationwide.

  • ePermit - MITI

Implementation of paperless permit application for vehicles covering 4 main permit categories namely Franchise, Non-Franchise, Heavy Machineries and Other Vehicles. Since 2 February 2017, vehicle AP holders permit applications will go through the system.

Since 1 April 2017, users of ePermit MITI can pay the vehicle fees through ePermit online payment.

Feb 2019: Implementation of Temporary Import AP for vehicles in use for exhibition, racing, R&D and others.

  • ePermit - SIRIM

Since 1 April 2017, users of ePermit SIRIM can pay their permit/certification fees through ePermit online payment. SIRIM also introduced Release Letter; specific for selected items without permit.

  • ePermit STA

Since 4 September 2017, all applicants are required to re-register product category code in the Pre-Registration Module, in accordance with the Strategic Trade (Strategic Items) (Amendments) Order 2017 [P.U. (A) 90/2017].

  • ePayment

October 2018: Online Duty Payment went live in Sarawak at all stations.

  • Others

1 April 2017: Implementation of PDK 10 digits code (From PDK 9 digits to 10 digits code)

1 Sept 2018: Introduced SST compliance for all on all related NSW services

Status of ASEAN Single Window (ASW) Live Operation

Malaysia, together with the other exchange ready Member States, entered into ASW live operation on 1 January 2018. Registered exporters are able to apply for e-Form D ATIGA through the NSW-ePCO system. Prior to transiting into live operation, several outreach sessions were organized to explain to our exporters about the implementation of this initiative through the NSW-ePCO. Notices and information about the ASW Live Operation of eForm D ATIGA have also been uploaded in the NSW and relevant websites.

Myanmar General Information

Current Updates of Myanmar National Single Window

Myanmar Customs Intelligence System (MCIS) and Myanmar Automated Cargo Clearance System (MACCS) have been operated in Yangon since November 2016. In MACCS system, Myanmar Customs Department has allowed other governmental departments such as Department of Trade under the Ministry of Commerce, Myanmar Port Authority under the Ministry of Transport and Communication, Food and Drug Administration under the Ministry of Health and Sports, Plant Protection Division, Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department, Department of Fishery under the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation and Myanmar Economic Bank under the Ministry of Planning and Finance to get access and provide the approval and necessary action as part of the approval process for the customs declaration. Moreover, Importers/Exporters, Customs Brokers from Trading Community and Air Cargo Companies, Freight Forwarders, Container Yards, Airline Companies, Shipping Line Companies, Shipping Agencies from Transport Community have participated to use the MACCS.

MACCS system has successfully launched at Myawaddy border check-point (Thai border) in June 2018. Continually, the use of the MACCS will be expended to the remaining border checkpoints.

The consultant of the Myanmar NSW Implementation has recommended that Myanmar should consider with three phases approach for the development of the NSW to be able to join the live operation of the ASW.

The first phase(Phase 1) would be to establish the necessary basic functionality within the CO issuing authority of Ministry of Commerce e-CO system to be able to send out the e-Form D as well as the CO receiving authority of Customs Department to be able to receive the incoming e-Form D and generating the RES (REC or NOT).

  • We have developed the AXWAY ASW Gateway and NSW-Routing Platform with the assistance from the USAID.
  • Department of Trade, Ministry of Commerce, launched the CO system in December 2018 and the NSW-RP is ready to perform the testing of exchanging the e-ATIGA form D with any interested member states who would like to conduct the testing with Myanmar.
  • We have already made the end-to-end connectivity testing with Indonesia in 2018 and currently, the arrangement has been made to fix some technical issues. Myanmar has aiming to join the live operation by June 2019.

In the second phase (Phase 2), Myanmar will expand the architecture of the system development to be able to exchange ACDDs, and e-SPS Certificate via the ASW live environment.

The third phase (Phase 3) would involve the process to develop a fully functional NSW.

The first phase (Phase 1) Implementing:

The Ministry of Commerce (MOC) is the authority for issuing preferential Certificate of Origin (CO) in Myanmar. To facilitate the application process for exporters, MOC has successfully launched e-CO System on 12th December 2018 with the assistance from some development partners. The traders can apply all of the preferential CO Certificate online.

To join live implementation of e-ATIGA Form D, our initial plan is to accomplish the implementation of e-Form D to be exchanged and we are in the process of completing the installation of the production server and the infrastructure for the 24/7 access to be ready by the end of May 2019.

At this stage, the NSW in Myanmar is able to send out the e-ATIGA Form D and able to receive the e-ATIGA form D and able to generate the RES (REC or NOT) but we may need to test with any members who are interested to do the testing. Myanmar will be able to start the End to End testing in May 2019.

Philippine General Information


A key program for the Philippine government for realizing the concrete benefits that can be derived from trade facilitation is the National Single Window (NSW). The NSW is envisioned to be the environment that will allow parties involved in trade and transport to lodge standardized information in a secure, electronic single entry point to fulfil all import, export and transit related regulatory requirement in respect of each transaction.

Before the ASW Agreement was signed by the Member States, the Philippines already volunteered to be the pilot country for the implementation of the NSW for Cargo Clearance, during the 3rd Inter-Agency Task Force Meeting on ASW held in Manila sometime April 2005. This paved the way for the passage of EO 482 on December 27, 2005, Creating the National Single Window Task Force for Cargo Clearance (EO 482).
Under EO 482, a PNSW Task Force for Cargo Clearance (PNSW Task Force) was created, composed of a Steering Committee (PNSW-SC) and a Technical Working Group (PNSW-TWG).

The PNSW-SC is mainly responsible for setting the policy guidelines for the creation and operation of the NSW and the ASW, and ensuring their efficient implementation in the country. The PNSW-TWG is responsible for implementing the policies and directives of the PNSW-SC, identifying a common set of data, information and processes to be standardized and integrated, and at the same time ensuring data integrity and security, and delineating the roles and responsibilities of each government agency participating in the PNSW project.

The first phase of the Philippine National Single Window (PNSW) project was started in October 2009 and included the installation and configuration of the TRIPS Single Window together with the connection of 30 agencies that issue permits, licenses and clearances for import or export purposes. A further 10 agencies that have a need to access NSW data for monitoring and reference purposes, were also included.

The PNSW implementation has already brought improvements as measured by the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) pertaining to the approval time for issuing licenses, permits and clearances to traders. Government agencies are also now using the system to standardize their processes and decentralize operations which is improving customer service throughout the Philippines.

To date, the PNSW has a total of 17,927 registered traders using the system and 1,282,746 processed transactions. Electronic viewing and tagging of cargo import/export permits and clearances were initially rolled out to MICP and POM ports. Recently, the e-Payment Module of the PNSW has been launched and the pilot agencies were the Sugar Regulatory Administration and National Telecommunications Commission.

On the Legal and Regulatory environment, a legal gap analysis was conducted and attended by representatives from 30 government agencies. The presentation of the Final Report of the legal gap analysis was held on 3 December 2012. The Final Report will be shared with the Philippine Congress to facilitate the drafting of the laws to address the legal gaps identified.

On February 10, 2012, almost all participating government agencies formally signified their cooperation towards the successful implementation of the PNSW by signing the PNSW MOA. Under the PNSW MOA, the participating government agencies agreed to provide technical and legal personnel and establish information sharing procedures between and among themselves in order to carry out the objectives of the PNSW.

The first phase of the NSW program was completed on 21st October 2010.? To deliver its full potential, the PNSW has to meet the challenges the way data is being exchanged and processed between government agencies and how any licenses, authorizations or other documentation relevant to the free movement of a consignment is delivered back to the trader.? The PNSW Phase 2 Project involves government wide rationalization, standardization, and harmonization of all trade data and enhancement of trade portals.? It will also link the NSW to the ASW, which is the Philippines commitment to ASEAN integration as outlined in the AEC 2015 Blueprint.

The Philippine National Single Window

Transacting public involved in trade has to regularly prepare and submit large volumes of information and documents to government agencies to comply with import, export and transit-related regulatory requirements. This information often has to be submitted through various different agencies, each with their own specific process and paper forms. These extensive requirements, together with associated compliance costs, constitute a serious burden to both government agencies and the transacting public.

The Philippine approach to address this problem is the establishment of a National Single Window whereby trade related information and documents need only be submitted once and at a single entry point via the internet. This will enhance the availability and handling of information, expedite and simplify information flows between trade and government agencies which will result in a greater sharing of relevant data across governmental systems, bringing meaningful gains to all parties involved in cross-border trade. The National Single Window will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of trade regulatory controls and will reduce costs of doing business both for governments and transacting public. Another point of note is that an additional security feature of the NSW implementation will ensure that there will be no more fake permits, clearances or licenses allowed in the goods clearance process.

The Philippine National Single Window (NSW)

The Philippine National Single Window (PNSW) is therefore a solution for trade facilitation that can deliver immediate benefits to all parties involved as it inter-connects government agencies involved in the processing of import and export shipments. It is a computerized internet-based system that allows parties involved in trade to lodge information and documents with a single entry point to fulfill all import, export, and transit-related regulatory requirements. It is a Philippine Government Project which shall minimize the risk associated in the ASEAN Single Window implementation and provide mitigation and transition plan for the full ASW implementation. It shall also resolve the costly and time-consuming processing for imports and exports documentation required in businesses.?

The PNSW system is mainly concerned with the application and processing of permits, licenses and clearances for import and export. It records the final results of the applications (approved or rejected) and links them electronically to the Customs system for the validation and verification of importation/exportation. The services provided include:?

  • Electronic submission of application forms
  • Viewable status in the system dashboard
  • Notification via email of application status
  • Electronic attachments of supporting documents
  • Mobile and electronic payment?
  • PDF documents using digital signatures
  • Executive Dashboard and Management Reports

Currently there are ninety-five (95) application forms for import/export permits, licenses & clearances held within the system although during the next phase of the project, these will be rationalized standardized and harmonized.

The project is being implemented through the mandate of Executive Order 482 dated December 27, 2005 (Creating the National Single Window Task Force for Cargo Clearance). Recognizing the necessity to implement and operate the PNSW, the forty (40) Trade Regulatory Government Agencies involved in cargo clearance have strengthen their shared responsibilities to implement the PNSW through a Memorandum of Agreement signed on February 10, 2012.

Towards The ASEAN Single Window

  • The Protocol of the Legal Framework to Implement the ASW (PLF)

To progress its commitment towards ASEAN integration, the Philippines, through the Secretary of Finance recently signed the Protocol of the Legal Framework to implement the ASW (PLF). Currently, the PLF has been deposited to the Department of Foreign Affairs for domestic ratification.

A National Workshop on the Protocol for the Legal Framework (PLF) to implement the Asean Single Window (ASW) was conducted last June 2015 with the assistance from the US- ASEAN Connectivity through Trade and Investment (ACTI) Project. It helped the Philippines NSW participating government officials and representatives from the private sector understand the provisions of the PLF and guided them in aligning domestic laws with the ASW regional legal framework for the eventual ASW live operation in exchanging cross-border electronic messages.

  • PNSW and ASEAN Single Window Briefing for SMEs

As a continued support for further global trade liberalization to the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), the Bureau of Customs and the Department of Trade and Industry organized a briefing session entitled (Increasing SME Competitiveness in the Global Value Chain through Seamless Regional Integration) last September 2015. It helped Philippine SMEs understand how the PNSW/ASW Systems may provide the benefits of non-face-to-face processing through paperless trade facilitation within the ASEAN region. ?

  • Business Process Simplification and Data Standardization and Harmonization

Trade Regulatory Government Agencies involved in the processing and exchange of export, import, or transit documentations are in the process of ensuring uniformity and consistency of data and processes for all participating entities exchanging information in the PNSW, which is critical for electronic data processing and exchange in the PNSW and for exchange of data with other Member States through the ASW.

A National Consultation on Understanding and Reconciliation of Permits, Licenses, Certificates and Import Entries was spearheaded by the Commissioner of the Bureau of Customs last November 2015 with and end-in-view of reconciling trade regulatory government agency policies against the internal trade policies within the Bureau of Customs. It ensured that process review will be prioritized so that technology recommendations toward ASEAN integration can be based on its needs and results.

  • Technical Development

In line with the commitments and agreements of the ASEAN Member States to establish and implement an ASEAN Single Window (ASW) and the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) 2015 Integration, the Philippines recently submitted its Letter of Intent to participate in the ASEAN Single Window Operation by joining the ASW live operation by 2nd quarter of 2016.

The Philippines is reviewing the necessary technical readiness requirements to interface with the ASW Single Window enabling infrastructure that will provide an equitable and predictable border regulation, efficient and integrated trade, and predictable trade transactions. Once done, it will install the ASW gateway to achieve interoperability among AMS and support the operations of the ASW regional operations services.

The current updates of Philippines National Single Window

Since the installation of the ASW Gateway Software (Axway B2Bi)/Philippines Test ASW? Gateway by Axway in November 2017, the Philippines has intensified its efforts to participate in the scheduled Round 1 end-to-end already started March 19 and will last until April 20, 2018. These include the following activities:

1. Successfully conducted the firewall connection testing with Brunei on January 31, 2018.

2. Successfully conducted the firewall connection testing with Cambodia, Indonesia Malaysia and Vietnam om March 8, 2018.

3. Ongoing firewall connection test with Singapore and Thailand in coordination with the ASW PMO.

4. For the CPA Deployment, the Philippines was advised by Axway that this is already completed by them except for Myanmar. The Philippines has also deployed Vietnam new CPA with support from ASW PMO.?

5. TRADENET (PH NSW) can now generate AS3 and AS4, as well as the RES responses for incoming eATIGA Form D. Transmission from TRADENET to has been successfully tested last March 15, 2018.

6. The Philippines already finished the and ASW PH Gateway integration, subject to Axway checking and confirmation.

7. The daily report module in the PHNSW gateway is not yet completed.

In 2019, the Philippines will aim to resolve the outstanding testing issues, prior to run the 2nd round end-to-end test, and eventually join the live operation this year. The Philippines will also intensify its coordination with relevant agencies such as the Bureau of Customs, the Bureau of Plant Industries, the Bureau of Animal Industries, and the Food and Drug Administration for the development and testing of the additional cross-border documents such as ASEAN Customs Declaration Document (ACDD), and e- Sanitary and Phytosanitary (e-SPS) Certificates.

Currently the policy issuance that will enable live operation of the Tradenet platform and mandate Philippines traders to use the system for applying Certificate of Origin and for the processing of Inbound Certificate of Origin is now awaiting signature by the head of the Philippine Customs.

Starting 30 December 2019, Philippines is now able to join the Live Operation with all AMS but still encounters few system issues in her ASW Gateway that can be manually intervened for the meantime.

Philippines have actively made adjustments to her NSW to accommodate previous changes to the common header enhancement, mostly on the formatting issues.

Cognizant of the importance of the e-ATIGA Form D e-Tracking System for Traders and the Certificate Issuing Authority (CIA), Philippines will work on the additional enhancement to her NSW to accommodate this functionality.

Thailand General Information

Thailand National Single Window (NSW) was initiated in accordance with the ASEAN Agreement to establish and implement the ASEAN Single Window. The Customs Department, Ministry of Finance has been appointed by the Government to be a lead agency for establishing Thailand NSW with other relevant agencies as partners in December 2005.

Thailand NSW had its initial operation in 2008 and officially implemented in October 2011. Government agencies and business communities have agreed upon the adoption of ebXML standard and public key infrastructure (PKI) and digital signature for secure electronic document exchange in single electronic window environment. As of today, Thailand National Single Window has more than ten thousand subscribers serving about 100,000 trading companies and has participation by 38 core authorities including government and business agencies. The transaction amount that handling by Thailand NSW is around 6.5 to 7.5 million messages per month including G2G and G2B secure transactions. In additional, we are on the collaboration processes in simplifying and streamlining business processes as well as revising relevant laws and regulations to support paperless trading environment.

In regard to Thailand NSW governance, the National Logistics Committee established the Sub-Committee on Integrated Information linkage for Import, Export and Logistics, chaired by the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Finance. This National Sub-Committee consists of executives from relevant government authorities and business communities. Thailand NSW also comprises the working group on both Technical and Legal and Regulatory matters as well as some particular collaborative teams in order to enhance the single window development and facilitate integrated electronic processes among relevant sectors.

Regarding the international data communication, Thailand NSW has already supported cross-border transactions and has been enhancing NSW and relevant electronic systems to enable the electronic data exchange and trade facilitation in line with the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and the global connectivity.

Thailand NSW General Information

The Government of Thailand established the National Logistics Committee chaired by the Prime Minister. The first Logistics Development Strategy was drafted by the National Economics and Social Development Board (NESDB) and approved by the Cabinet in 2007. Two main objectives of the Logistics Development Strategy were to increase cost efficiency, customer responsiveness and reliability and security in logistics services and to increase economic values in logistics and support industries.

The Strategy for Thailand Logistics Development comprises the following 5 national strategic agenda:

  1. Logistics Improvement for real sectors, led by the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Agriculture;
  2. Transport and Logistics Network Optimization, led by the Ministry of Transport;
  3. Logistics Service Implementation, led by the Ministry of Commerce;
  4. Trade Facilitation Enhancement, led by the Ministry of Finance; and
  5. Capacity Building for the logistics sector, led by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labor and the National Economic and Social Development Board.

Establishment of Thailand National Single Window is one of the national agendas in accordance with the 4th strategic agenda for Thailand logistics development policy. Major objectives are to facilitate, reduce time consuming and cost reduction for international trade transactions.Enhancement of e-Customs service for import and export as well as improvement of relevant government agencies operation and services significantly enhance the international trade transaction.

In fact, Thailand started implementing the electronic data interchange or EDI system for customs clearance in 1998 and entered full operation nationwide in 2000. Migration from EDI service to electronic Customs Service or e-Customs paperless service has been introduced since 2006 and has entered full operation nationwide since July 2008.The EDI system for customs clearance, implemented in 1998, provided a basis for taking an initial step to establish a single electronic window system for import and export. The establishment of Thailand National Single Window was also initiated in accordance with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) commitment (“Agreement to establish and implement the ASEAN Single Window”) On the basis of the Commitment that 10 National Single Window Systems of ASEAN Member States would be gradually integrated and operated in electronic environment in line with the establishment of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015. In this regard, the Government of Thailand appointed the Customs Department, Ministry of Finance to be a lead agency for establishing the National Single Window with other relevant agenciesas partners in December 2005.

Thailand Logistics Committee established the National Sub-Committee on Integrated Information linkage for Import, Export and Logistics, chaired by the Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Finance. The National Sub-Committee consists of executives from relevant government authorities and business communities. The Thailand Single Window e-Logistics was renamed as the Thailand National Single Window by the National Sub-Committee in January 2008. Such a renaming was to enhance better understanding of single window development and facilitate integrated data linkage among government and business sectors as well as resource mobilization related to National Single Window and ASEAN Single Window implementation.

The National Logistics Committee endorsed Regulatory Framework Model of Thailand National Single Window in 2010 as illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Conceptual Model of Thailand National Single Window


Government agencies and business communities have agreed upon the adoption of ebXML standard and public key infrastructure (PKI) and digital signature for secure electronic document exchange in single electronic window environment.

Vietnam General Information

Viet Nam had launched her National Single Window since November 2014 with the involvement of nine ministries, including the Customs Administration under the Ministry of Finance.


The Vietnam National Single Window (VNSW) is an integrated system that allow:

  • Parties involved in international trade submit/send standardized data and information to a single point;
  • Government agencies process data and information and make decision based on consistent and unified processes;
  • issue decision and send the decision to the system on the basis of the agreement to provide and exchange information between government agencies; and
  • The Customs makes final decision on clearance and release of cargoes and conveyances on the basis of decisions taken by line ministries and agencies and communicated in a timely manner to the Customs.


  • To develop the Vietnam National Single Window to become a key supporting and implementing tool of government agencies and business community in international transport and trade activities;
  • To ensure national security and community health; to enhance governance capacity; to facilitate trade and improve national competitiveness;
  • To ensure that transactions, processes and decisions of the VNSW are implemented in a consistent, simple, transparent and effective manner; and
  • To be ready to integrate into the ASEAN Single Window as in the spirit of the Agreement and Protocol on establishing and implementing the ASEAN Single Window for a ASEAN economic community by 2015 and to be ready to link and exchange trade data with other trading partners in the world.

The Conceptual model

The conceptual model demonstrates the linkages between six major components in international trade and transport through National Single Window system and ASEAN Single environment, include:

  • The Customs being responsible for clearance and release of importation, exportation and transit of goods and conveyances;
  • Regulatory government agencies involved in international trade and transport;
  • Banks, financial institutions and insurance companies;
  • Transport and forwarding community;
  • Business community involved in international trade; and
  • ASEAN members and other global trading partners.

With the aim to implement National Single Window for aircraft on inbound, outbound and transit flight at international airports, the General Department of Viet Nam Customs with the role of the standing agency of National Single Window (NSW) has successfully launched the testing system to receive message of cargo, passenger and connecting the NSW system with Airlines systems. At present, Viet Nam Customs is working closely with Airline agencies, relevant agencies and individuals for the purpose of official launching Viet Nam Airway NSW. The time of official launching Viet Nam Airway NSW is scheduled in October 2017

Until February 2019, there are 13 governmental agencies which have implemented 173 administrative procedures through the Viet Nam National Single Window. Viet Nam has joint live operation of ASEAN Single Window since 1 Jan 2018.


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