Cambodia, Myanmar and Singapore start Exchanging the ASEAN Customs Declaration Document (ACDD)

Thursday, 31 December 2020.

With a view to expedite Customs clearance, ASEAN adopted an action plan to establish the ASEAN Single Window (ASW). The system enables a single submission of data, a single synchronous processing of information and a single decision-making for Customs release and clearance among ASEAN Member States (AMS). In December 2019, all 10 AMS were connected to the ASW, where the granting of preferential tariff treatment would be based on the ATIGA e-Form D received through the ASW.

Following the success of the ATIGA e-Form D, the next trade document namely ASEAN Customs Declaration Document or ACDD is targeted for the live exchange in 2020 among ready AMS. The ACDD is a multi-purpose document used for facilitating the exchange of Export Declaration Information among AMS. The objective of the electronic ACDD is to support Customs in the importing country to carry out their risk management.

December 31, 2020 marked the first day of the live exchange of the ACDD between Cambodia, Myanmar and Singapore while remaining AMS will join the live operation by 2021.